Press release -
Revision of Forecast Consolidated Business Results for the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2022
IWATA, August 5,2022 - Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. (Tokyo: 7272) hereby announces that at the Board of Directors meeting held today, the Company has decided to revise the forecast announced on February 10, 2022 for its consolidated business results for the full fiscal year ending December 31, 2022.
1) Revisions to Consolidated Business Results Forecast
(January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2022)
(1) Revision Content

(2) Reasons for the Revision
For the remainder of the fiscal year ending December 31, 2022, a favorable business environment is expected to continue, despite supply issues such as the shortage of semiconductors and other parts and the impacts of soaring raw material prices.
In light of continued cost reductions and the depreciating trend of the yen, the Company has revised its forecasts for net sales and various incomes as above.
In terms of dividends for this fiscal year, the Company has decided to maintain the full-year dividend forecast of 115 yen per share and pay an interim dividend of 57.5 yen per share due to the acquisition of 20.0 billion yen of treasury stock during the second quarter of the consolidated accounting period.
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